What we believe

Bible by the Beach

The books of the Old and New Testaments are God’s Word written

Uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit, human authors spoke from God. The God-breathed Scriptures are therefore wholly trustworthy and free from error in both history and doctrine. Whatever Scripture, truly interpreted, is found to teach we are bound to believe and obey. It is the supreme authority for faith and conduct.

The Scriptures proclaim the only way of salvation

God created the world and mankind good but his image in human beings and his glory in creation have been defaced by sin. We are all under God’s judgement and, being spiritually dead, are helpless to save ourselves. The one living God, eternally existing in three Persons, has acted in love for our salvation. God the Father sent the Son to be our Saviour; God the Son gave himself to redeem us. God the Holy Spirit brings us all the blessings which Christ won for us. No one can come to the Father except through the Son. There is no salvation outside of the Lord Jesus Christ as Scripture alone has revealed him in words and work.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only Saviour

In the fullness of his eternal deity, our Lord Jesus became man. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, he had a perfect human nature and a truly human experience. By his sinless life and faultless teaching, he showed himself to be the spotless Lamb of God. By shedding his blood on the cross, once for all, Jesus bore in our place the judgement our sin deserves and secured eternal life for all who believe in him. By raising him bodily from the dead on the third day and by exalting him into heaven, the Father demonstrated his full acceptance of the finished work of Christ.

The world-wide church is the fellowship of all who trust in Christ

Salvation is by grace through faith alone. The Holy Spirit gives repentance, faith, and new life, made evident by the fruit of the Spirit. The fellowship of believers is sustained primarily through the ministry of God’s Word. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are covenant signs, God’s promises made visible, which when rightly received, he uses to strengthen faith and pledge our blessings in Christ. According to his will, the Holy Spirit gives gifts and ministries to his people so that they may build each other up under the authority of the Word to worship and serve God and to love one another.All believers as priests have direct access to God through Christ our High Priest and there can be no other mediator.

God calls his church in the world to mission

As the Father sent him, so the Lord Jesus Christ sends his church into the world to make his name known: to preach the gospel of his grace; to care for the needy with a compassion like his; to promote the just standards of his Kingdom and the good stewardship of his creation. As the Lord Jesus ascended, so he will return, personally and visibly, to complete God’s new creation.He will judge the living and the dead, call his servants to account and receive them into glory. We expect his coming and we obey his command. We pledge ourselves to make Christ known throughout the world.