Bible by the Beach

Bible by the Beach (BBTB) is a lively, contemporary Bible-teaching conference for all ages! There really is something for everybody here!

Starting on Friday evening and running through to lunchtime on the Bank holiday Monday, there are daily Bible Readings, at least 5 seminar streams (some repeated so you can get to more) and Evening Celebrations. Parallel to this there are childrens and youth groups for all ages under 18.  Add to this a large “10 of Those” bookstall, exhibitor stands manned by many of our favourite organisations, a Family Praise event, prayer meetings, exceptional music and time to enjoy some free time and all that Eastbourne has to offer.

The conference is based around the Congress Theatre and conference centre and various venues within an easy walk of the main building.

On Sunday morning some of our speakers and trustees will be preaching in local churches so you can choose one to visit!

There are 7 groups to provide for all ages from 0-18! Please see the Children and Youth pages for more information.  The timing of the children and youth groups enable parents to attend some of the main sessions over the weekend and the children can attend as many of those sessions as you want them to. The leaders are carefully chosen and vetted and are experienced at working with children and young people in their own churches. The work is overseen by Ed Drew from Faith in Kids. There is a Family Praise event which is also a big hit!

The Summit, introduced in 2022, is a group for sixth form aged young people with a mix of attending main sessions as a group, having a chance to ask the speakers big questions and plenty of time to discuss and hang out with others in the same age group.

BBTB has so much to offer but one of the joys of the weekend is time away and an opportunity to be refreshed in many ways.  There is time in the programme to enable you to enjoy a stroll on the beach or fish and chips on the prom.  There is no pressure to do more than you want to… but you may be tempted to make the most of the opportunities to delve deeper into the Bible assisted by a wonderful diverse group of speakers and subjects!

We are definitely BY the beach rather than on it!  We have the use of the extensive Congress Theatre and Conference development as well as some local church facilities so we can meet whatever the weather in comfort.   You can choose seminars in venues which are a 5 minute walk away or stay right near the main venue.  But all of it is just a hop and skip away from the beautiful Eastbourne seafront – so you can take the air, eat an icecream or fish and chips (or both!)  or just enjoy being by the sea!

We try to keep the ticket price as affordable as possible and in fact we have reduced the child tickets for 2025!  It pays to book early and to get a group together of 10 adults or more and book together!  The prices are as follows:

Weekend Tickets
  • Adult – Earlybird (until end of  November 2024) – £130
  • Adult – Earlybird (until end of February 2025)– £140
  • Adult – Full price – £150
  • Students – Student card holders and under 21’s  – £85
  • Child/infant – School year 13 and below – £35 (reduced in 2025!)
Day Rates
  • Adult – Friday – £35
  • Adult – Saturday – £70
  • Adult – Sunday – £60
  • Adult – Monday – £40
  • Student – Daily rate – £40
  • Child – Daily rate – £30*
Group Ticket Rate
  • Earlybird bookings of 10 adults or more (until end of November 2024) – £120
  • Earlybird bookings of 10 adults or more (until end of February 2025) – £130

*Child Day Tickets MAY be available from March 1st onwards. Please email biblebythebeach@gmail.com to check availability.

NB: Child tickets can not be purchased without an accompanying adult booking as a parent/guardian must be in attendance at the conference.

There is lots of accommodation in Eastbourne – hotels, guesthouses, bed and breakfasts even campsites!  Take a look at our accommodation page and book up early to ensure you get something to suit you!