Bible by the Beach

As a Christian charitable organisation, we are hugely appreciative of all the ways in which God provides for us to enable us to run this ministry effectively. One of the ways that God shows his generosity to us is through the numerous people who partner with us in the work of Bible By The Beach.

Have you benefited and been blessed through the work of Bible By The Beach? Could you be someone who partners with us in this ministry? If so, here’s a few ways you could do that:

Praying With Us

We are dependent on God to enable us to run this ministry well. As such, we would encourage those who want to partner with us to be praying for this ministry. To receive updates from Bible By The Beach to help inform your prayers, you can sign up to receive email updates here.

Volunteering Opportunities

As a charity, we are hugely dependent on our large base of volunteers to help us deliver an excellent conference each year. There are numerous ways that our volunteers choose to help out, whether with children/youth, catering, stewarding, etc., or in other bespoke ways. Our volunteers have a terrific time each year being involved in this way. So if you’re interested in joining the team and volunteering with us, please click here, or you can email for more information.


Financial support for our charity allows us keep our prices low for our delegates, and also allows us to plan and deliver effectively for future years. If you have been blessed through the ministry of Bible By The Beach, please do consider either a one-off financial gift or even to give regularly, no matter how much or little. You can find out more here.

Becoming a “Friend” of Bible By The Beach

Our Friends are the backbone of Bible By The Beach. Our Friends are usually those who have greatly appreciated the ministry of Bible By The Beach, and are giving back to this ministry to enable the ministry to flourish. We do our best to keep our Friends up-to-date with the latest developments at Bible By The Beach, and this includes a mixture of online updates, as well as in-person at the much-loved “Friends’ Tea” each year during the conference in May each year. Involvement as a Friend could take various forms, but usually includes praying for us as a ministry, and could also include committing to give financially or helping organise groups to book into Bible By The Beach each year. If this is something you are interested in, please contact for more information.